Child Protection Requirements
According to Texas State Law, all adult counselors/sponsors that have any direct contact with underage individuals at a Camp must have the following items...
1. A criminal background check performed prior to contact with underage campers.
2. A sex offender background check performed prior to contact with underage campers.
3. Successfully complete a one hour child abuse and sexual abuse prevention and recognition class (Child Protection Training Course) and pass a written exam prior to contact with underage campers. (See Below for Options)
4. Proof of satisfactory completion of Child Protection Training Course, must be provided at camp registration.
5. Panfork also requires the "Sponsor Certification Form" signed by pastor
Child abuse or Sexual abuse, real or alleged, MUST be reported to proper authorities.
We Are Here To Help
This is how you can accomplish these requirements.
1. A criminal background check may be performed online at the Texas Department of Public Safety or other criminal history vendor sites for a nominal charge. It is the sponsoring churches, camp directors, and/or each attending adults responsibility to make sure these background checks are completed prior to arrival to camp. These may be held at the church and provided within two business days if requested by the Texas Department of State Health Services.
2. A sex offender background check may be performed online at the Texas Department of Public Safety or the National Sex Offender Public Registry, for no charge. It is the sponsoring churches, camp directors, and/or each attending adults responsibility to make sure these background checks are completed prior to arrival to camp. These may be held by the church and provided within two business days if requested by the Texas Department of State Health Services.
3. The Certificate of Completion for the Child Protection Training Course along with the "Sponsor Certification Form" must be submitted at camp registration. Criminal and sex offender background checks, must be provided if/when requested.
The Required Child Protection Training Course is only offered online
Follow these instructions to take the course online!
Instructions for church leaders:
1. Visit Ministry Grid Pro
2. Login/register if you haven't already.
3. This should open an invitation to the Child Protection Course.
4. If not, Click "training" near the top left to get a search bar.
a. Search for "Texas Child Protection Training."
b. Click "Course 1: Child Protection Training"
c. Click "Start Course" and it will be added to your training."
Complete all required training sessions, the assessment, record your score and bring a “Certificate of Completion” to camp once you’ve completed the course.